Sheeted Label: 10-7/8 in. x 8-3/8 in. General Purpose 100 sheets

Product ID
Printer Type
Laser And/or Inkjet
Lead Time
1-3 business days
Sheet Size
8-1/2 In. X 11 In.
Face Stock
White Paper
Number of Sheets
Minimum Qty
1 Pack of 100 sheets
  • Buy 5 for $13.41 each and save 7%
  • Buy 10 for $12.45 each and save 13%
Quick Overview

1 label per sheet, 100 sheets per pack

for LASER  and INKJET printers


1 laser/inkjet label per sheet.

Preset layouts in Microsoft® Word, Wordperfect®, and other popular software programs.

Designed to automatically feed through HP®, Canon®, Epson®, Xerox®, Apple®, and other printers. Note: Manual feed is recommended for HP Laser-Jet® and Apple LaserWriter® printers. These inkjet full label sheets are approved for use in color laser printers.

The brand names mentioned on this website are trademarks for their respective owners and appear for compatibility identification purposes only. This BLANCO® brand product is not manufactured or sponsored by the owners of these brands.