The Biggest Reason Your Advertising Fails

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The Biggest Reason Your Advertising Fails
Most often your graphics and your brand do not align and send mixed signals to the consumer. Before they taste the quality of your beer they buy with their eyes.

Another Reason

I met Bob Evans Jr., CEO of Bob Evans Resturants, several years ago at a convention. He was the keynote speaker. After his speech I introduced myself to him and told him how much I enjoyed and appreciated his speech. We talked for a bit and then he asked me what I did for a living. I told him I was in advertising and marketing and that my company builds brands. He said, “I can give you a testimonial.” Really, we just met? “Well, a testimonial for advertising.” Bob Evans began his story, “Years ago when my father retired and I took over the company, my background was accounting and I saw everything from an accounting perspective. I reviewed the company budget for the year and saw the money we had allocated for advertising. I said to myself, I can save the company a bundle by taking that off. And I did. I eliminated the entire advertising budget. That afternoon I set the company back five years. That is how long it took to recover from my folly. Now there is no one who is a greater believer in advertising than me.” I thanked him for the story and he said, “You can use it however you like, it’s true.” Advertising is expensive and a lot of brewers forego advertising, doing so may be a mistake. Advertising may be your differentiator.

There Are Other Reasons Advertising Fails

1. Not believing in advertising is the number one reason for advertising failure because if you don’t believe you will not commit. The results will be less than spectacular and the brand will suffer. We buy with our eyes. 2. Not funding advertising sufficiently is a sure slow death. If you are not going to commit enough money to be effective, don’t advertise! Spend your money on the best labels you can create because you know they will be seen. We buy with our eyes. 3. Not having a clear differentiation. What makes your product different? It may be a great label is enough or a great bottle or both... Think Absolut Vodka. We buy with our eyes. The number one rule of marketing is we buy with our eyes.
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